GaoPing Distriet in Nanchong,Siehuan Ptovince,eovers an area of 813sq.km.with a PoPulation of 560,000 and the eultivated land of340,(X) 0 mu.Thirty一three towns are under itsjurisdietion.Besidestheattraetive seenery,GaoPing has good serviees of eommunieations andtransPortarion invo]ving waterways,railways,airlines as well as highways.More and more automatie Program一eontrolled telePhones have been instailedalong with the raPid develoPment ofPostandteleeommunieations. In addition,there are eeonomie一teehnieal develoPment zone anddeveloPed zone for new and high一level teehnology both at Provinee level,Providing Preferexltia]treatments.With eonstant imProvement of theinvestment climate,GaoPing weleomes your eoming forthebrightfuture
Western China