The Versailles Palaee kilometres southwest of Paris,was first built as the royal hunting Palaee in 1629 when Louie XlllreignedinFranee.theentunes of rennovations,it has beeome EuroPe'5 large,t,mostluxurious Palaee. The most sPlended Part of the Palaee 15 the Mirror Corridor with unique designs,loeated next to rhe War Hall and the Peaee Hal]in whieh are hung historieal Paintings. The floor area of 1 10,000 mZ inside the Palaee andl,1 10,000 mZ of gardens aremagnifieent,with its south tribune,the north tribune,the orange orchard,the dragonPool,the treesPrings and bronze sculPtures
Western China