in order to esta6iisk the cioae of the HPV DNA In China, the surglcaiiy removed specimens were collected from patients dlaghond as cervical cancer, and tissue DNA was extracted. Endonuclease analysis and DNA kytridlz.tfou showed high pomology between tissue DNA and HPV16DNA. By using BamHI as a cloding .~e, the isolated HPV-16 (7. ski in size) was recom6lned Into tab pACYC17 DNA, and ti. recomblnant plasmld ~ transrormed Into E. Coil JM 103 cells. After 'ndonuclease analysis and SOuthern Not kybrldlatlon, ti.e cloak or HPV-16 DNA was estobllsltedand deslgUated as PRC 16.
in order to esta6iisk the cioae of the HPV DNA In China, the surglcaiiy removed specimens were collected from patients dlaghond as cervical cancer, and tissue DNA was extracted. Endonuclease analysis and DNA kytridlz.tfou showed high pomology between tissue DNA and HPV16DNA. By using BamHI as a cloding .~e, the isolated HPV-16 (7. ski in size) was recom6lned Into tab pACYC17 DNA, and ti. recomblnant plasmld ~ transrormed Into E. Coil JM 103 cells. After 'ndonuclease analysis and SOuthern Not kybrldlatlon, ti.e cloak or HPV-16 DNA was estobllsltedand deslgUated as PRC 16.