Ultrasound is a major tool for clinical diagnosis, especially during prenatal life. Macintosh and Davie (1970) published a paper purporting to show chromosome aberrations induced by anultrasound fetal pulse detector. Therefore, the question or the potential safety of diagnostic ultra-sound had been raised. The biological systems kaye been examined to date include insects, plants,cell suspensions and intact small mammals, but the relevance of these results to the intsct humanmust be regarded as extremely questionable. This paper investigated some biochemical changes ofchoriouic villi in early pregnancy 24 hour arter direct exposure to diagnostic ultrasound for 15 min inutero. The levels or lipid Peroxide product (malondialdhyde, MDA), coatent of cyclic AMP andphospbolipid, and glutathione peroaldase activity were measured. No significant difference was ob-served between the exposed and control group for the hiological parameters mentioned above.
Ultrasound is a major tool for clinical diagnosis, especially during prenatal life. Macintosh and Davie (1970) published a paper purporting to show chromosome aberrations induced by anultrasound fetal pulse detector. Therefore, the question or the potential safety of diagnostic ultra-sound had been raised. The biological systems kaye been examined to date include insects, plants,cell suspensions and intact small mammals, but the relevance of these results to the intsct humanmust be regarded as extremely questionable. This paper investigated some biochemical changes ofchoriouic villi in early pregnancy 24 hour arter direct exposure to diagnostic ultrasound for 15 min inutero. The levels or lipid Peroxide product (malondialdhyde, MDA), coatent of cyclic AMP andphospbolipid, and glutathione peroaldase activity were measured. No significant difference was ob-served between the exposed and control group for the hiological parameters mentioned above.