An inverted one-and-a-half layer reduced-gravity linear shallow-waer model with lin-early varied topography is formulated, in which a uniform mid-depth upweling is prescribed The analyti-cal particular solution of order single equation in u1 showed that the linear topography inclinationforces the water column to move pole-ward with increased planetary vorticity or to produce relative vortici-ty, and hence to depress the cross-equatorial transport of deep western boundary current. It is notewnrthythat the topography Plays the same role as Newtonian Cooling in forcing on the absolute voricity.
An inverted one-and-a-half layer reduced-gravity linear shallow-water model with linearly varied topography is formulated, in which a uniform mid-depth upwelling is prescribed. The analytical particular solution of 0(ε) order single equation in u1 showed that the linear topography inclination forces the water column to move pole-ward with increased planetary vorticity or to produce relative vorticity, and hence to depress the cross-equatorial transport of deep western boundary current. It is noteworthy that the topography plays the same role as Newtonian Cooling in forcing on the absolute vorticity.