For studying the evolution of electrorheological fluids influenced by the external fields, we present a general formulation to obtain the formula of evolution of the density operator. This formulation is based on the subdynamics of driven system. As showing application of this formulism we demonstrate an algorithm to calculate the conductivity of electrorheological fluid based on an electrostatic polarization model. The method presented here can be used to obtain the evolution of expectation of physical observables for electrorheological fluids. (Author abstract) 8 Refs.
For studying the evolution of electrorheological fluids influenced by the external fields, we present a general formulation to obtain the formula of evolution of the density operator. This formulation is based on the subdynamics of driven system. As showing application of this formulism we demonstrate an algorithm to calculate the conductivity of electrorheological fluid based on an electrostatic polarization model. The method presented here can be used to obtain the evolution of expectation of physical observables for electrorheological fluids. (Author abstract) 8 Refs.