The densities of supercritical CO2-tetrahydrofuran (cosolvent) binary mixture weremeasured at temperatures in range of 308.15 to 323.15 K and at pressure up to 16.5 MPa.The concentrations of tetrahydrofuran were from 0 to 0.57 mol/L.The partial molar volume of tetrahydrofuran was calculated based on the relationship between the density of the mixture and the concentration of the cosolvent.It is observed that the partial molar volume of the cosolvent is negative and the absolute value decreases with increasing pressure and the concentration of the cosolvent.
The densities of supercritical CO2-tetrahydrofuran (cosolvent) binary mixture weremeasured at temperatures in range of 308.15 to 323.15 K and at pressure up to 16.5 MPa.The concentrations of tetrahydrofuran were from 0 to 0.57 mol/L.The partial molar volume of tetrahydrofuran was calculated based on the relationship between the density of the mixture and the concentration of the cosolvent.It is observed that the partial molar volume of the cosolvent is negative and the absolute value decreases with increasing pressure and the concentration of the cosolvent.
Project (No. 29633020) supported by the National Natural Sceience Foundation of China