

Talks on Current Economic Affairs by Prime Minister Zhu Rongji
摘要 朱镕基说,解决重复建设的遗留问题,是本届政府的一项重要任务。近期原则上不再新上工业项目,技术改造项目也要着重提高质量,增加品种,改善效益,而不是扩大生产能力。企业要取消大锅饭,实行下岗分流、减员增效,形成竞争上岗的机制。要严格实行政企分开,政府不要干预企业的生产经营活动,使企业真正做到自主经营、自负盈亏。政府的主要职责是严肃立法,公正执法,取消苛捐杂费,为企业发展创造一个良好的外部环境,选配好国有企业的领导班子,让他们面向市场,放手工作,同时对他们依法实施监督。朱镕基指出,当前搞好国有企业的重点,是全面贯彻"两个根本转变"和"三改一加强"的方针,特别要增强市场观念,不要盲目扩张,乱上项目。企业不减人,成本降不下来,产品没有竞争力,国有企业就无法办好。实施下岗分流、减员增效,就必须切实做好国有企业下岗职工的基本生活保障和再就业工作。各级党委和政府务必把这项工作作为当前的头等大事认真抓好。凡有下岗职工的国有企业都必须建立再就业服务中心,或由相关机构代管,负责发放下岗职工的基本生活费,缴纳社会保险费用,并帮助他们再就业。要按照"三三制"原则,千方百计落实资金。 During his inspection in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi from June 27 to June 31, 1998,Prime Minister Zhu Rongji stressed that the currend situation should be correctly recognised,more effective measures should be taken,construction of infrastructure quickened,reform on state-owned enterprises prompted,basic living guarantee and re-employment of unemployee workers in state-owned enterprises carried out,poli- cies about reform on grain purchasing and selling system strictly implemeted to ensure the smooth achievement of targets for economic reform and development this year. Zhu Rongji pointed out,the central committee decided to conduct more active financial policies and raise more fund and increase the investment on infrastructure construction.This must be one of the most effective measures to expand domestic demand and push ahead economic growth.The major thing was to put these ar- rangements into effect as soon as possible.Increased investment should be put in the construction of highway,railway,telecommunication,farmland water conservancy and ecological project、urban infrastructure、environmental protection,reconstruction of rural power network,construction of grain warehouse and practical resdence,etc. Prime Minister Zhu said,the main point to give a boost to the state-owned en- terprises would be the implementation of policies'two basic transformation'and'three changes,one strengthening' in a comprehensive way.Market sense should be par- ticularly intensified and blind expansion be avoided.Too many workers in state-owned enterprises led to higher cost and less competitiveness.Diversion of workers was es- sential,but basic living standard and re-employment should be put into effect.The Party's Committee and various governments at different levels must pay special at- tention to them. Zhu Rongji said,the remaining grains should be purchased from the peasants on preventive prices,reform on state-owned grain enterprises should be quickened so as to guarantee the smooth conduct of reform on grain circulation system. During the inspection,Zhu Rongji gave President Jiang Zemin and Central Party's Committee's regards to the people in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi.
出处 《中国产业》 1998年第4期17-17,共1页
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