开展麻风康复后,麻风眼疾的诊断和治疗越来越受到关注。近来时有关于麻风眼疾的报道,但就院内外麻风眼疾的对比研究尚不多见。我们对院内231例,院外174例麻风病人的主要眼疾进行了调查。405例均为本市户口。其中男283人,女122人;年龄17~90岁,平均60.2岁;少菌型163例,多菌型242例;病程3~66年。用国际标准 E 字表(snellen’s)。视力分级用WHO 标准,即视力小于0.05一无光感,0.05~0.3为低视力,0.3以上为有用视力。
A survey of oculopathies in 405 cases of leprosy with a mean age of 60.2 (17~90) years and disease duration of 3 to 66 years have been conducted in Shanghaiincluding 231 inpa- tients and 174 outpatientsmale 287 and female 122and PB 163 and MB 2d2The vision less than 005 is defined as blindness and that of 0.05 to 03 as low visionThe result showed thatas for in unilateral and bilateral sideblindness was in 161 (39.8%) and 61(151%)lagophthalmos in 286 (706%) and 102 (251%)corneal macula in 171(42.2%) and 60 (14.8%)abnormal iris in 208 (501%) and 96 (23.7%),and pterygium in 92(36.8%)and 28(6.9%)The mumber of the oculopathy in inpatients were far more than in outp- tients(P<001)The longer the disease duration wasthe more the oculopathy wasSoto prevent- ing oculopathy in leprosy,early detection and treat- menteducation in self—care and regular examina- tion of the eye for the patients are necessary.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases