我们用症状自评量表(SCL—90)对30户麻风治愈者的34名子女进行了评定。对60~80年代确诊为麻风的已婚治愈者的成年子女,随机抽选30户,其中 L 型治愈音14户、T 型治愈者16户(马德里分型法),每户评定1~2人,共计男19人,女15人;18~35岁,平均28.5±3.5岁;小学程度10人,初中16人,高中8人;均为农民。
A survey with SCL-90 table was completed in 34 young persons who are sons or daughters of those whose leprosy had been cured,in Fei County,Shandong,a higher leprosy endemic area a few years ago.The results showed that psy- chological conditions among them were normal, compared with those in healthy controls.The au- thors regard it as a success in health education along with compaign of basically eradicating leprosy.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases