Preliminary tribo-mechanical properties of IBED filmsof GCr15 bearing steels have been studied in this paperalong with the comparison between IBED films and PVDfilms as well as non-implanted surface in wear resis-tance,micro-hardness,friction and surface morpholo-gy.Experiments gave a consistent picture and statedclearly that TIN films can really improve the tribo-me-chanical properties of materials and have practical usesin a certain sense.However,further theoretical and ex-perimental studies must be performed in respect thatthere are some defects on IBED films.
Preliminary tribo - mechanical properties of IBED films of GCr15 bearing steels have been studied in this paper along with the comparison between IBED films and PVD films as well as non - Implanted surface in wear resistance, micro- hardness, friction and surface morphology. Experiments gave a consistent picture and stated clearly that TIN films can really improve the tribo - mechanical properties of materials and have practical uses in a certain sense. However, further theoretical and experimental studies must be performed in respect that there are some defects on IBED films.