Pressure garments are widely used in Hong Kong andmany other countries for burn rehabilitation.Thesegarments are mainly made of elastic Lycra fabrics andtailor-made to individual patient’s measurement toprovide an appropriate amount of skin-garment in-terface pressure for medical treatment.However,thefabric tension would be reduced due to fabric elonga-tion under prolonged period of stress,and thus theskin-garment interface pressure cannot be main-tained after repeated use of the garment.This paperaims to study the behaviour of fabric elongation of thefabrics commonly used for making pressure garmentsin U.K.and/or Hong Kong.Attempts to correct theexisting practice of drafting the pressure garments forproviding a more effective clinical treatment.
Pressure garments are widely used in Hong Kong and many other countries for burn rehabilitation. These garments are mainly made of clastic Lycra fabrics and tailor-made to individual patient's measurement to provide an appropriate amount of skin - garment interface pressure for medical treatment. However, the fabric tension would be reduced due to fabric elongation under prolonged period of stress, and thus the skin - garment Interface pressure cannot be maintained after repeated use of the garment. This paper alms to study the behaviour of fabric elongation of the fabrics commonly used for making pressure garments in U.K. and/or Hong Kong. Attempts to correct the existing practice of drafting the pressure garments for providing a more effective clinical treatment.