In this paper,the advances concerning couducting poly-mers are addressed.The statistics flgures show that"conducting polymer" has become a hot point in polymermaterial science field.Conducting polymers can be ap-plied in many areas,such as sensors,separation materi-als,circuit boards,electrodes,EMI shielding materials,antistatic materials and etc..Several important couduct-ing polymers(polyacetylene,polyaniline,polypyrrole,polythiophene,polyphenylene)are simply mentioned.The disadvantages of couduting polymers and the possi-ble solutions are discussed in this paper.
In this paper, the advances concerning conducting polymers are addressed. The statistics figures show that 'conducting polymer' has become a hot point In polymer material science field. Conducting polymers can be applied in many areas, such as sensors, separation materials, circuit boards, electrodes, EMI shielding materials, antistatic materials and etc.. Several important conducting polymers (poly acetylene, polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, polyphenylene) are simply mentioned. The disadvantages of conducting polymers and the possible solutions are discussed in this paper.