The data of 162 injury cases among 798 international seamen entering or leaving Fangcheng frontier port from Jan 1991 to Jul 1997 were analyzed. The results showed that the injury cases accounted for 20. 03% of all cases in the port, the average injury rate was 122.46%/105,5 cases died. The average injury death rate was 3. 78/105,accounting for 3. 09% of the total injury cases and 71.43% of total injury death cases of seamen. The 162 injury cases were all male seamen. It can be calssified into kinds of diseases, the first five according to ratio were as follows; soft tissue injury(50. 00%) , simple fracture (14. 81%), open fracture (11. 11%),eye injury (9. 26%) and poisoning (6. 79%).
There were 12 types in all injury cases, the first five according to ratio were as follows; hard material striking (31. 48%) , falling (24. 07%) ,impact injury (13. 58%) ,eye injury by foreign body (8. 03%) and sharp material hurt (6.79%). The age distribution concentrated on 31-40 age group and 20-30 and 41 - 50 age group. The injury rate of seamen working on deck ranked the first place in all type of work, accounting for 53. 09% , the next was seamen working in engineroom, 40. 74%. The author proposed that because of low safety coefficient of the international seamen, safety education and measures should be enforced in order to raise selfprotection consciousness and to intensify the injury assistance.
International Seamen Injury Epidemiological Analysis