

Analysis on Epidemiological Characteristics for Seven Kinds of Communicable Diseases in port District, 1993-1996
摘要 本文对防城港市港口区1993~1996年常住人口7种传染病的疫情资料进行分析。四年7种传染病共发病449例,年平均发病率116.20/10万,四年传染病的发病率分别为1993年72.25/10万、1994年162.96/10万、1995年120.65/10万、1996年106.73/10万。四年来各传染病疾病谱有所变化,总构成比居于前四位的是病毒性肝炎、痢疾、性病和肺结核病,构成比分别为38.75%、17.15%、15.81%、12.25%。各年份居于前四位的传染病为1993年病毒性肝炎、痢疾、性病和肺结核病,构成比分别为38.75%、17.15%、15.81%、12.25%。各年份居于前四位的传染病为1993年病毒性肝炎、麻疹、性病痢疾;1994年病毒性肝炎、痢疾、霍乱、性病;1995年病毒性肝炎、肺结核病、性病、霍乱;1996年病毒性肝炎、痢疾、肺结核病、性病。四年传染病的结构分布为三种肠道传染病(霍乱、病毒性肝炎、痢疾)288例,占总发病数的64.14%,二种呼吸道传染病(麻疹、肺结核病)81例,占总发病数的18.04%,二种性病(淋病、梅毒)71例、占总发病数的15.81%,一种虫媒疾病(疟疾)9例,占总发病数的2.00%。各传染病季节性特征:霍乱、痢疾、病毒性肝炎、麻疹发病具有明显的季节性,性病、肺结核病、疟疾发病无明显季节性。各传染病在人群分布:霍乱多见于农(渔)民,好发年龄为60岁以上老人及21~40青壮年人;痢疾、麻疹多发于0~10岁儿童;性病以工人和农(渔)民多见,好发病龄为21~40岁青壮年人;肺结核病人多见于农(渔)民,好发年龄为21~30青年人及60岁以上老年人;疟疾多见于21~40岁青壮年人。病毒性肝炎无明显的人群分布。分析了四年传染病的发病率及顺位变动情况、季节性特征、人群分布,为今后开展传染病监测提供依据。 Epidemiological characteristics of seven kinds of communicable disease among permanently residents in Port District in Fangcheng Port city from 1993 to 1996 were analysed in this paper. The total cases of seven kinds of communicable disease in four years were 449. The average incidence rate was 116. 20/105. The incidence rate for each year was: 73. 25/105 for 1993, 162.96/105 for 1994, 120. 65/105 for 1995, and 106. 73/105 for 1996. The spectrum of disease for communicable disease varied in four years. The diseases ranking first four places according to ratio were viral hepatitis, dysentery. STD and TB; the ratio was 38/75%, 17. 75%, 15. 81% and 12. 25% respectively. The diseases ranking first four places for each year were: viral hepatitis, measles, STD, dysentery for 1993; viral hepatitis, dysentery, cholera, STD for 1994; viral hepatitis, TB, STD, cholera for 1995; viral hepatitis, dysentery, TB. STD for 1996. The number of cases of intestinal communicable disease (cholera, viral hepatitis, dysentery) was 288, accounting for 64.14% of the total cases; respiratory communicable disease (measles, TB)81, accounting for 18.04%; STD (gonorrhea, syphilis) 71, accounting for 15.81%; vestorial disease (malaria) 9, accounting for 2. 00%. Cholera, dysentery, viral hepatitis, measles had seasonal characteristics, but STD, TB, malaria had not. Cholera was common in peasants (fishmen) , elderly people over 60 and people aged 21-40; dysentery and measles were common in pepole aged 0-10; STD was common in workers and peasants (fishmen) ,people aged 21 - 40; TB was common in peasants (fish- men) and people aged 21 - 30 as well as elderly people over 60; malaria was common in people aged 21 -40. viral hepatitis had no significant characteristics in population distribution. The results will be helpful to surveillance of communicable diseases.
作者 陈建欢 周婷
机构地区 防城卫生检疫局
出处 《旅行医学科学》 1998年第2期12-16,共5页
关键词 传染病 疫情分析 Communicable Disease Epidemic Situation
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  • 1戴科.计划免疫(下)[J]中级医刊,1987(03).









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