Query and serum test were conducted among prostitutes from drug users to understand the prenalent situation and epidemiological characterics of STDs. The results showed that of the 32 prostitutes were in the age group of 17 - 28 with locals as the majority up to 84. 4 % ; relatively lower educational level was found as 87. 5% were junior high school and mainly engaged in service business. The way to use drug was mainly by venus injection (78. 1%). 44. 0% had a history of syringe co - use and multiple sex partners. 65. 6% did not used condom. 13 cases, of incubational syphilis were confirmed by serum test and 8 cases of gonorrus by query. HIV -Ab positive cases were not found. The relationship between nubmers of sexual partners and syphilis infection were anslyzied to illustrate that serum test was of importance in finding incubational syphilis cases.
drug use prostitute infectious disease surveillance STDs