For structural parameters with uncertainties, interval mathematicscan , in the case where the probabilistic distribution density ofuncertain variables is unavailable, deal with the influ- ence ofuncertainties in structural parameters on the response of structures.In order to evaluate the re- gion containing natural frequencies ofstructures with interval parameters, the interval parameter per-turbation method is presented in this paper. The advantage of thepresent method is its computational efficiency in evaluating theregion containing natural frequencies. A numerical example is used toil- lustrate the efficiency of the method proposed.
For structural parameters with uncertainties, interval mathematicscan , in the case where the probabilistic distribution density ofuncertain variables is unavailable, deal with the influ- ence ofuncertainties in structural parameters on the response of structures.In order to evaluate the re- gion containing natural frequencies ofstructures with interval parameters, the interval parameter per-turbation method is presented in this paper. The advantage of thepresent method is its computational efficiency in evaluating theregion containing natural frequencies. A numerical example is used toil- lustrate the efficiency of the method proposed.
The project is supported by National Youth Natural Science Foundation of China
National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of China