The herbicide resistant bar gene has been widely used as selectable marker genes in the study on plant genetic transformation. Owing to the integration of the gene into rice genome, transgenic rice was resistant to the herbicide Basta. Therefore, selection of transgenic plant and genetic analysis became easier. In the studies, bar gene was introduced as a genetic marker gene into rice restore line variety of two-line or three-line. Combined with conventional breeding method, the good herbicide resistant individual plant was derived as the new restore line for hybrid combination. After sprayed with Basta at seedling phase, the real hybrid rice that had herbicide resistance could grow normally, while the fake hybrid rice and weeds, having no bar gene, were killed by herbicide. The method described above helped rapidly to examine and improve the purity of hybrid rice.
The herbicide resistant bar gene has been widely used as selectable marker genes in the study on plant genetic transformation. Owing to the integration of the gene into rice genome, transgenic rice was resistant to the herbicide Basta. Therefore, selection of transgenic plant md genetic analysis became easier. In the studies, bar gene was introduced as a genetic marker gene into ria restore lie variety of two-line or three-line. Combined with conventional breeding method, the good herbicide resistant individual plant was derived as the new restorc line for hybrid combination. After sprayed with Basta at seeding phasc. the real hybrid rice that hnd herbicide resistance could grow normally, while the fnke hybrid rice and weeds, having no bar gene, were killed by herbicide. The method described above helped rapidly to examine and improve the purity of hybrid rice.
ThisworkwassupportedbytheScienceandTechnologyCommitteeofZhejiangProvinceasaMajorItemforBiotechnology (GrantNo .94110 2 2 16 )