Polyusaturated fatty acids(PUFA) in long-chain triglycchdes (LCT) serv as precur- sors to the eimids. It is eidrids that plays an irnportant role in the pathaenesis of ARDS. LCT cause temporary reduction in arterial oxygen tension and incrrase intrapulmonary shunt in patients with ARDS. So large dose of LCT should be avoided being used in patients with ARDS. Medium-chain triglyc- erides (MCT) which not containing precrsors of the eicosanoids have higher thermogic effect. Therefore they should be infused slowly. Thooretically, intravenous fat emulsions might be benificial to patients with ARDS by comining LCT with MCT or modulating the content of PUFA and infusing mehas.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition