This experiment was conducted to find the feeding attraction activties for common carpand crucian carp by means of amino acids monomer, different combinations of amino acids, themixture of a compound amino acids and the extracts from several kinds of plants. The resultsshowed that (1) lower concentration bf DL-Met had extinguish attraction, effect on common carp(p< 0. 05). Higher concentration of 1, - Gly had notably inhibition effect on crucian carp(p<0.05). (2) The combinations of I, - Val + L - His + L, - Arg (group 1 ) had notable attraction ef-fect on common carp (p< 0. 01).The comhinations of L - His + L - Phe + L - Arg(group 2 ) had a strong attraction effect oncrucian carp (p< 0. 01), even when 10ml of clove oil added to gronp 2 p< 0. 01); 10 ml of thecrude extract of pimenta officinalis had no strong attraction effecton while an addition of cruciancarp, but it had a notable attraction effect on common carp (p< 0. 05 ).When added the compound extracts of plants such as gralic, essence, clove oil etc., lt hadsignificant inhibition effect on both common carp and crucian carp (p< 0. 05).
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University:Social Science Edition
Amino acids, Extracts of plants, Feeding attraction activities, Common carp, Crucian carp