The evolution of single elliptic vortex rings for initial aspect ratio (AR) = 2,4,6 has been studied. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a dealiased pseudo-spectral method with 64(3) grid points in a periodic cube. We find that there are three kinds of vortex motion as AR increases and bifurcation occurs at certain AR. The processes of advection, interaction and decay of vortex ring are discussed. Numerical results coincide with experiments and other authors' numerical simulation.
The evolution of single elliptic vortex rings for initial aspect ratio (AR) = 2,4,6 has been studied. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a dealiased pseudo-spectral method with 64(3) grid points in a periodic cube. We find that there are three kinds of vortex motion as AR increases and bifurcation occurs at certain AR. The processes of advection, interaction and decay of vortex ring are discussed. Numerical results coincide with experiments and other authors' numerical simulation.
The project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and Doctoral Program of Institution of Higher Education