Tibet, which situates in the south west of China, maybe the potential area of various natural focus diseases, the plague in this area is always active. In Shannan and Rikaze District of Tibet there still exist natural focus disease such as anthrax, burcellosis and rabies etc, and the antibody with malleoidosic, lyms disease, toxoplasmaosis, Q fever were also found in this area by Zhang Qiens through seroepidemiological investigation. Zhang Panhe detected sera of 155 Nelpalese. This investigation found positive antibody of typhus, spotted fever, Q fever and suggested that we should strengthen survey and detection in this area and pay attention to this kind of natural focus diseases area formed by the peculiar e cological environment. The investigation on small mammals and mites in Longzi, Shenman and Rigaze District of Tibet showed that the L. Rupestre mites and L. Wulanlensis mites were numorous and distributed widely and an observation on HFRS should be taken. The Haemaphysalis aponomrroides are the major ticks in the forest zone and brush grassland. Because their body shape is small, those people who enter the forest should pay more attention to Haemaphysalis aponommoides. In the most of eastern Himalaja maintains area, the major harmful blood—sucking Diptera are midges, followed by the simuliidae, the god flies and mosquitoes are fewer. The most dangerous area to human is Cuona county; the second is Longzi county, the third is Yadong county. The most dangerous spots are flat land with brushes stream or marsh lard.
Tibet natural focus disease medical insect