It is estimated that since last year, various training and competition departments and management centers of various sport items of National Sports Commission, provincial and municipal sports commissions have fulfilled training tasks positively in the light of the 'Ninth Five' training program. In the first half of the year, nine training courses of athletics, basketball, socker, table tennis, tennis, weightlifting and cycling were held, training 313 coaches, with an increase of 13% compared with the same period last year. The departments concerned have brought the training into their overall planning of competitive sports to strengthen the work with clear guiding ideas, someone in charge, financial guarenttee and managing systems. At the beginning of the year, the second reginonal cooperative meeting in Southwest China was held to further strengthen regional cooperations and hold jointly training courses.In order to better successively coaching post training system, the National Sports Commission has drafted, on the basis of investigation, the trial edition of《Temperary Provisions of Further Education of Coaches》 《Management of Combination of Self - study with Classroom Instrnction for Coaching Post Training》. They are estimated to be issued officially within the year.
Chinese Sports Coaches