为了研究幽门螺杆菌在胃十二指肠疾病中的临床意义,我们采用快速尿酶法与病理染色方法进行对照研究。结果表明两种方法的幽门螺杆菌检出符合率达80%以上。两者比较无统计学意义(P>0.05),提示快速尿酶法结果可靠。本文对185例胃十二指肠疾病的检测结果表明胃及十二指肠溃疡的幽门螺杆菌检出率分别为66.7%和78.1%。慢性浅表胃炎的检出率为 54.5%,胃癌及伴有胆汁返流胃炎的检出率为50 %及 7.7%。这些结果提示幽门螺杆菌的感染与慢性胃炎及消化性溃疡有着密切的关系。胆汁返流可能造成胃内pH的改变,不利于幽门螺杆菌的生长,胃癌与幽门螺杆菌的关系有待进一步研究。
In order to understand clinical significance of helicobacter pylori (HP) infection in gastroduodenal diseases. We made a control study with urease tests and pathological examination. Our results showed that coincidence of two methods to determine HP infection was more than 80 % without statistical difference suggesting reliability of urease tests. Incidence of HP infection was 66.7 % in gastric ulcers, 78.1 % in duodenal ulcers, 54.5 % in chronic superficial gastritis, 50 % in carcinoma of the stomach and 7.7 %' in gastritis with bile reflux. These data suggested that HP infection was closely associated with development of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. Bile reflux possibly resulted in pH change in the stomach and inhibit HP growth. Further study is necessary to clarify the relationship between development of carcinoma of the stomach and HP infection.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine