Batch culture experiments were conducted with a red tide dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea(Stein) Loeblch Ⅲ colleted from Jiaozhou Bay, Shandong, China. Growth rates and Cellular Chl-a were meas ured in media with iron and manganese ion concentrations controlled at different levels using EdTA-trace metal buffer systems. Cell density increased 3.2 times to 6.5 times over the range of lowest (0 mol/L) to highest(10-5 mol/L) iron and manganese ion concentrations. The range of Cell density response was much lower than the range of total available iron and manganese, which was >100-fold that of Fe. This nonlinear relationship indicates that the cells adapt to make more efficient use of iron and manganese un der limiting conditions. The cellular Chl-a content maximized after 3 days incubation and then decreased gradually under either iron or manganese limitation conditions. It indicated that the algae gained higher photosynthesis ability when transferred to a new environment. Growth responses to iron and manganese limitation can be both modeled according to the equation of Monod. The half-saturation constant for growth, k, is 4.6×10-8 mol/L for Fe and 5.1×10-8 mol/L for Mn. Our results showed that the iron availability in Jiaozhou Bay does not limit the growth of S. trochoidea.
Batch culture experiments were conducted with a red tide dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea(Stein) Loeblch Ⅲ colleted from Jiaozhou Bay, Shandong, China. Growth rates and Cellular Chl-a were meas ured in media with iron and manganese ion concentrations controlled at different levels using EdTA-trace metal buffer systems. Cell density increased 3.2 times to 6.5 times over the range of lowest (0 mol/L) to highest(10-5 mol/L) iron and manganese ion concentrations. The range of Cell density response was much lower than the range of total available iron and manganese, which was >100-fold that of Fe. This nonlinear relationship indicates that the cells adapt to make more efficient use of iron and manganese un der limiting conditions. The cellular Chl-a content maximized after 3 days incubation and then decreased gradually under either iron or manganese limitation conditions. It indicated that the algae gained higher photosynthesis ability when transferred to a new environment. Growth responses to iron and manganese limitation can be both modeled according to the equation of Monod. The half-saturation constant for growth, k, is 4.6×10-8 mol/L for Fe and 5.1×10-8 mol/L for Mn. Our results showed that the iron availability in Jiaozhou Bay does not limit the growth of S. trochoidea.