
炮控数字PID设计分析 被引量:5

Analysis of Gun-Digitized Control PID Design
摘要 该文简要阐述了炮控系统在整个坦克火控系统中的功能、地位和实现数字化控制的重要 性,重点介绍了PID控制规律的数字实现及其参数的整定方法,具体分析了90—Ⅱ坦克炮控数字 PID设计方案对系统的改进,它已在该坦克第二台样车试验中获得满意的结果。 This paper briefly describes the function and importance of gun-control system in tank fire -control system,and significance of realizing gun--digitized control. The paper mainly introduces realization of the PID control regularity by digitisation as well as the method of parameter regulating,and particularly analyses the digitized PID design scheme, which has improved the 90 - Ⅱ tank gun-Control system,and has achieved satisfactory results in the second mould tank test.
作者 许大浦
出处 《车辆与动力技术》 1997年第1期34-40,共7页 Vehicle & Power Technology
关键词 自动控制 坦克火控系统 炮控数字PID Automatic controln Tank fire - control system Gun -digitized control PID
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