
单眼屈光参差性弱视眼视网膜神经纤维层厚度分析 被引量:1

Analysis of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with unilateral anisometropic amblyopia
摘要 目的:比较单眼屈光参差性弱视患者弱视眼和非弱视眼视盘周围视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)的厚度。方法:选择38例不伴有斜视的单眼屈光差性弱视患者,应用光学相干断层成像技术(OCT)测量其弱视眼和非弱视眼的视盘周围RNFL平均厚度。结果:弱视患者38例的平均年龄为10.73岁,弱视眼RNFL平均厚度为106.38±12.05μm,下方象限RNFL(I):133.67±19.44μm最厚,其次为上方象限(S):123.31±13.95μm,鼻侧象限(N):89.96±17.71μm,颞侧象限(T):70.06±10.18μm最薄;单眼屈光参差性弱视中,弱视眼的RNFL平均厚度和鼻侧象限RNFL厚度较对侧非弱视眼厚,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.016;P=0.01)。结论:单眼屈光参差性弱视患者弱视眼的RNFL厚度较非弱视眼厚,以鼻侧象限RNFL厚度和RNFL平均厚度的差异最为显著。 AIM:To compare the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL) thickness of amblyopic and sound eyes in patients with unilateral anisometropic amblyopia·METHODS:Totally 38 patients with unilateral anisometropic amblyopia and without strabismus were selected.The peripapillary RNFL thickness in amblyopic and sound eyes was detected by optical coherence tomography(OCT)·RESULTS:For 38 patients with amblyopia,the mean age was 10.73 years,the average RNFL thickenss in amblyopic eyes was 106.38±12.05μm.The RNFL was thickest in the inferior quadrant 133.67±19.44μm,followed by superior 123.31±13.95μm,nasal 89.96±17.71μm and temporal 70.06±10.18μm.The RNFL thickenss in amblyopic eyes was thicker than that in sound eyes,showing statistical difference in averge and nasal RNFL thickenss(P=0.016;P=0.01)·CONCLUSION: The RNFL thickness,specially nasal and average RNFL thickness in amblyopic eyes is thicker than that in sound eyes in unilateral anisometropic amblyopia.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2011年第12期2185-2187,共3页 International Eye Science
关键词 光学相干断层成像技术 弱视 视网膜神经纤维层 optical coherence tomography amblyopia retinal nerve fiber layer
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