The cell kinetics of the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of large bowel were investigated using ABC-PAP immunohistochemicai technique with monoclonal antibody PC10. Biopsy or sectioned specimens of normal mucosa (n=1l), adenoma with dysplasia (n=52) and adenocarcinoma (n=20) of the large bowel were used for this purpose. PCNA count was determined by calculating the positive cells per 1000 cells. The results showed that the PCNA positive cells were confined to the lower two-thirds of normal mucosal crypts, whereas positive cells were found at the upper parts of the glands in adenomas. In adenocarcinomas the positive cells spread diffusely along the glands, even arrived at the surface epithelium. The adenomas and adenocarcinomas showed increased PCNA count as compared with those of normal mucosa (P<0.01). There was increased PCNA count in adenomas with increasing degree of dysplasia (P<0.05). There was no statistical difference between the PCNA count in adenomas with severe dysplasia and that in adenocarcinomas (P>0.05). No significant correlation was observed between PCNA count and histologic type and size of adenomas (P>0.05). It's concluded that PCNA immunohistochemicai staining is valuable in early detection of malignant potential of adenomas, also it may be helpful in distinguishing the degree of adenomatous dysplasia.
Chinese Journal of Digestion
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) Adenoma-carcinoma sequence Large bowel