本研究采用颅骨开窗法,直接观察了局部滴加葛根素(5%,0.1ml)及心得安(0.5%,0.1ml)对麻醉兔脑软膜微循环的影响。结果发现,葛根素及心得安可分别使微动脉的管径增加41%及37%(P 均<0.01),血流速度增加分别为10%及11%(P 均<0.05),同时,毛细血管开放数目增多。但对微静脉影响较小。葛根素及心得安扩张微动脉,增加血流速度的作用呈浓度依赖性。
The objective of this investigation was to study the influence of topical application of Puerarin and Propranolol on pial microcirculation of anesthetised rabbits in vivo.Pial vessels were observed directly through a cranial window.It was found that topical application of Puerarin(5%,0.1ml)and Propranolol(0.5%,0.1ml)caused rapid increase in arteriolar diam- eter and blood flow velocity.One minute after topical use of Puerarin,when compared with those of the control group, the mean arteriolar diameter and the mean blood flow velocity increased by 41%(P<0.01),and 10%(P<0.01)re- spectively;One minute after topical use of Propranolol,the mean arteriolar diameter and the mean blood flow velocity in- creased by 37%(P<0.01)and 11%(P<0.01)respectively.The effects of increasing arterial diameter and blood flow velocity of puerarin and Propranolol lasted about 20 minutes.The number of opened capillaries also increased.The effects of Puerarin and Propranolol on pial arterioles were in dose-dependent fashion.The response of vennules were much weaker than that of arterioles.Topical application of artificial cereberal spinal fluid(ACSF)induced a weak dilation of pial arteri- oles which lasted only three minutes.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine