实验大鼠均制成大加速型抗肾小球基底膜(GBM)肾炎模型,分为两组:模型组、桃红四物汤组(治疗组)。结果治疗组各期尿蛋白量较模型组减少(P<0.05,P<0.01),第21天时血清肌酐含量较模型组降低(P<0.05),光镜和电镜下肾脏病理改变较模型组为轻,同时,肾皮质内血小板活化因子(PAF)、血栓素 B_2(TXB_2)含量显著较模型组减少(P<0.01)。本实验表明:桃红四物汤治疗该大鼠肾炎有效,其机理是通过减少肾内 PAF、 TXB_2等多条途径。
All rats studied were made as rat models to develop accelerated anti-glomerular basement membrane(GBM) glomerulonephritis and divided into two groups:the control group and Tiaohong Siwu decoction group(threapeutic group).The results showed that when compared with those in the control group,the amounts of urinary protein in the therapeutic group in various stages were significantly reduced(P<0.01),and on the 21day,SCr was significantly de- creased(P<0.01).The renal histological changes:studied by light and electronic microscopy,the changes in the thera- peutic group were significantly less serious than those in the control group.In the meantime,the amounts of platelet acti- vating factor(PAF),TXB2 in the renal cortex were significantly reduced(P<0.01)when compared with those in the control group.The above results suggest that Tiaohong Siwu decoction is effective in treating the rat models of glomeru- Ionephriris and the mechanism of the treatment consists of various factors including reduction of the amounts of PAF, TXB2 in the renal cortex.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine