The snow cover in central High Asia has been the focus of climatologists interests for many decades. In this paper three complete High-Asia snow cover data sets consisting of SMMR microwave pentad snow depth maps covering the period 1978-1987, operational NOAA weekly snow cover extent charts during the period between 1966-1989, and daily snow depth, density, as well as number of snow cover days records at 60 primary weather stations over the 36-year period 1957-1992 are used to investigate the spatial patterns, seasonal cycle, and year-to-year variation of snow cover over the High-Asia. The regionolization of snow cover is also briefly discussed.An empirical analysis is applied to examine typical spatial pattern and variation of snow cover, and a statictical model consisting of a trend plus serialy correlated noice is fitted to the area and point time series data to test for trends in snow cover variation.The spatial pattern is characterized by unpervasive feature, even a deapth of snow in the vast interior of the High-Asia. Only in the western and eastern parts of the High-Asia is some appreciable and persistent snow cover noted. On average, below 79% of entire High-Asia area is snow covered during the winter snow maxima with the mean snow depth being 18.5 cm or snow water equivalent as much as 115.0 km3. The large interannual variability of snow cover over the High-Asia is the most striking feature and winter (D.J.F) variance in snow mass is more significant than other seasons. The eastern Tibet is affected by most substantial year-to-year variation in snow mass. Three trend estimates imply that the increase in annual snow depth is a systematic development and almost omnipresent over the High-Asia. Further examination reveals a positive relationship between High-Asia snow cover and surface air temperature in winter time over the Northern Hemisphere.
Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
High-Asia snow cover, spatial pattern, variation trends