In this study, we take the particular species of forest──Picea purpurea as an example to investigate the sensitivities of climate-forest response process using FOREC model. Thus we can evaluate the performance of our model.(1) Under climatological mean condition without annual change, from the beginning to 200th years, the competition among species is very intensive so that Picea purpurea, Picea asperata and Larix potaninii etc. formdominant species, constituting evergreen and deciduous broadleaf mixed forests, which is in reasonableagreement with observation and field investigation.(2) Under climatological mean condition with randomly annual changes, affected by the intensive climatechange, Picea purpurea community is in dynamic succession process from start to end. In the succession processBetula albo-siensis and Populus dovidiana firstly become pioneer species, then picea purpurea and Piceaasperata develop and grow, sometimes with continuously updating potential for PiCea pumurea. The respondingtime of Picea purpurea community to the intensive climate change is about 20~40 years, during which period thestructure and biomass of Picea purpurea also change dramatically.(3) Under climatological mean condition with periodic annual change, the periodic changes in climatebackground produce substantially periodic changes in the succession of Picea purpurea community. Piceapurpurea, Picea asperata and Betula albo-siensis are still the dominant species. However, in the composition offorest the propotion of Picea asperata is sometimes larger than Picea purpurea, which does not occur in the abovetwo experiments, indicating that climate change can have influence not only on the biomass of community butalso on the change of structure of foreSt in the community.In a word, the forest gap model (FOREC) can well reproduced the composition of foreSt stand of PiceQpurpurea and its succession, which is in reasonable agreement with observation, indicating that the model ispracticable in the study of forest community.
Acta Geographica Sinica
processes of climate-forest response, forest gap model, succession