5Paragraph 2(a) of Schedule 1 to the Immigration Ordinance, Cap. 115.
6[1999]1 HKLRD 315.
7Lawrence Solum, Legal Theory Lexicon 005 Holdings, Legal Theory Lexicon, http;//lsolum, typepad, com/legal_theory_lexi-con/2OO3/lO/legal_theory_le 2. html , 2011 - 10- 24.
8Edgar Bodenheimer/John B. Oakley/Jean C. Love, An Introduction to the Anglo-American Legal System. Readings and Cases,fourth edition, West Pub. Co, , 2007, p. 116.
9John W. Salmond, The Theory of Judicial Precedent, 16 Law Quarterly Review 376(1900).
10IEdmund M. Morgan, Introduction to the Study of Law, 2d ed. , Chicago Callaghan, 1948, p. 155.