AS a doctor in the management of maternity and children’s hygiene in the Tibet Autonomous Region for nearly 20 years, I would like to present a brief introduction of the situation of Tibetan women and children’s health, as well as the related services. Prior the Liberation in Tibet, this region coveting over 1.2 million square kilometers, had few health care facilities for women and children. Such activities were carried out by three Tibetan medical institutions, a small number of folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, and a few private clinics. Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, women who gave birth were discriminated against because it was considered an obscene act. Women could not give birth in their tent homes, but were instead forced to seek shelter in cow stalls or sheepfolds no matter how severe the weather. Women and children at the time had no rights to health care. Countless women and children died of birthing complications