Based on the conditions of China and recent practice of animal production, the present paper suggests a new model for developing Chinese animal production, which stresses non-grain type of ruminant production and meanwhile pays appropriate attention to grain-saving pig and poultry farming. Non-grain animal production can be defined as the optimum development of animal production by the fullest and most scientific use of non-competitive feed resources. The main non-competitive feeds include grass, straw, grain-processed by products, oil cake, animal excreta, bonemeal, mineral resources as feed, non-protein nitrogen, biofeed and so on. Applying the new model could greatly improve the profile of Chinese animal production and significantly increase milk, beef, mutton, wool, down hair and leather yields. This new model concerns the transformation of animal production strategy. It could have far-reaching effects on developing Chinese animal production in a more coordinated and faster direction, solving the competition between animals and humans for food, greatly improving the nation's standard of diet and nutrition, significantly upgrading the health of the whole nation and enriching people's life in China.
Journal of Tianjin Agricultural University
National condition
non-competitive feed resources
Non-grain animal production
Developing strategy