Molecular mobility in thermotropic polyesters and side-chain polymers with different struc-ture of mesogens and spacers has been studied by dielectrical method in dilutesolutions. The results made it possible to establish the multiplicity of dielectric relaxationtransitions which reflects the small- and large-scale types of molecular motion. It was shownthat dielectric relaxation processes occurring in accordance with local mechanism (relaxationtimes 10^(-9)--10^(-7)s. and the activation energy 10--50kJ/mol) are due to the mobility of kineticchain elements of different length within a monomer units. It was found that the dielectricrelaxation process connected with a large-scale form of molecular motion (relaxation times10^(-5)--10^(-6)s. and the activation energy 100kJ/mol) did not depend on the molecular massbut was infiuenced by factors changing the conformational state of the macromolecule. It isestablished tha the cooperative reorientation mobility of associated mesogenic fragments isthe source of the large-scale process.
Molecular mobility in thermotropic polyesters and side-chain polymers with different struc-ture of mesogens and spacers has been studied by dielectrical method in dilutesolutions. The results made it possible to establish the multiplicity of dielectric relaxationtransitions which reflects the small- and large-scale types of molecular motion. It was shownthat dielectric relaxation processes occurring in accordance with local mechanism (relaxationtimes 10^(-9)--10^(-7)s. and the activation energy 10--50kJ/mol) are due to the mobility of kineticchain elements of different length within a monomer units. It was found that the dielectricrelaxation process connected with a large-scale form of molecular motion (relaxation times10^(-5)--10^(-6)s. and the activation energy 100kJ/mol) did not depend on the molecular massbut was infiuenced by factors changing the conformational state of the macromolecule. It isestablished tha the cooperative reorientation mobility of associated mesogenic fragments isthe source of the large-scale process.