当前科学技术飞速发展,运动训练也越来越朝着科学化和可控制化方向发展,这就要求教练员和运动员更多地吸收和应用其它科学领域的先进知识和技术以促进本身运动训练水平的提高。运动训练是教练员和运动员双边的活动过程,运动员智力水平的高低在很大程度上影响着其竞技能力的提高,运动员不仅要具有很高的身体能力,同时还必须具备高度发展的智力水平,才能飞快地缩短训练过程,提高训练的效率。 艺术体操是融音乐、舞蹈、体操、竞技于一身的一个艺术性很强的运动项目。
Rhythm gymnastics is a aport item that mingles music, dance, gymnastics and compe-tition and demands highly athletes' physical conditioning and intelligence. In order to develop the intelligence of athletes, intelligence training must be involved in their training. The follow-ing two ways can be used in this issue.1. To use various training methods to develop athletes' intelligence. They include instruc-tion of theoratical knowledge, specific intelligence training consisting of comparison of right and wrong cases, image rehearsal, questions and answers, transplantation of movement, creation of something new and original.2. To develop intelligence in the course of sports training. Points for attention here are: timely evaluation of students' performance, accurate and easily understood explanation of theteacher, positive answer to athletes' questions, encouragement of creative activities and sti-mulation on non-intelligence factors etc.
Chinese Sports Coaches