
论散手比赛中的“下擂台” 被引量:2

On “Knocking the Opponent Off the Arena” In San Shou (Kick Boxing)
摘要 散手运动自1979年作为中国武术竞技项目开展以来,规模不断扩大,目前已在几十个国家和地区推广、普及与发展。但有关散手运动的技术、战术等方面的理论研究却远远不能满足运动实践的需要。在散手比赛中,“下擂台”技战术,运用较多,威力较大。本文根据“下擂台”在散手比赛中的运用情况,探讨了“下擂台”技战术的应用规律,旨在为提高散手运动技术水平提供参考。 By recording the times of ' knocking off the arena' of each of 226 players displaying in allthe matches in six days of 1996 National Wushu Championships (team competition of SanShou) with all related information of players' weight classification, rounds and games. Theyare analyzed statistically so as to explore the law of the application of the technique and tacticsof ' knocking off the arena'.The statistics indicates that the application of ' knocking off the arena' technique in the 1996 National Wushu Championships covered considerably great proportion-the mean pro-portion of 63% in each game. Players of middle and light weight can make full use of this tech-nique than those of heavy weight. In light weight, players of 56 KM are most prominent while in middle weight, those of 75 KM are most prominent. Regarding rounds, the success rateof the technique in the first round is 78.5%; then it declines and reaches the bottom in the third round. Afterwards, it goes up again and reaches 68.5% in the fifth round (the final) . The champions of all weight grades can apply this technique effectively instead of being knocke off the arena. It is most effective to apply it when the player is quite vigorous while the oppon-ent is the type of tough and vigorous offensive and of poor wrestling technique. In order to pre-vent from being knocked off the arena, one can use the methods of walking around within the arena, not budging, simultaneous getting off the arena and active throwing oneself to the ground etc.
出处 《中国体育教练员》 1996年第3期32-33,45-46,共4页 Chinese Sports Coaches
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