

Use of Anaerobic threshold Intensity in Swimming and Supervision and Control of Individual Training In Aerobic and Anaerobic Intensity
摘要 一、问题的提出  无氧阈概念已广泛用于运动能力评价、成绩预测以及实际运动训练监督而成为运动医学和运动训练学的主要研究课题,并已取得很大进展。1976年德国运动生理学家Mader和他的同事提出4mm/L的无氧阈概念,并广泛运用于田径、游泳、划船等周期性长距离项目,使德国的整个竞技运动水平产生了实质性飞跃。以后他的同伴Kindermann提出个体无氧阈的概念,并将训练强度的安排与个体无氧阈特征相结合,使运动训练强度的制定进一步科学化,但长期以来无氧阈作为评定个体有氧能力的重要指标.主要运用于对长时间耐力性项目的机能评定和训练计划的制定。运用无氧阈对尤氧强度为主的短距离游泳项目迸行监控并围绕无氧阈来制定可行的个体有氧、无氧强度.将为无氧阈应用于无氧耐力训练开辟新的领域,并为无氧能力的提高棵体百广泛的讪l缤平段。 The subjects are four women swimmers of butterfly stroke, backstroke, breaststroke and free style for 100m and 200m. They were requested to swim 100m and 200m with all their strength. We recorded their best performance in three trials and calculated the velocity and time of 80%, 85%, 90% and 95% max swimming speed.Then we divided the whole intensity of 80%-100% full speed swimming into five levels and tested them in different levels with non-equal intervals. Time for blood sampling was: 2 minutes after swimming for level 1 and 2; 3 minutes after swimming for level 3 and 4; 4 minutes and 7minutes after swimming for level 5. the samples were immediately put into 2300 STAT Lactic Analyzer. We set abscissa as velocity (m / s) and ordi-nate as lactic value, therefore we got the curve of blood lactic acid. Then we drew an approximate straightline with the point of intersection of 5 levels, that was the lactic ability line. Each line was drawn on the same graph in different colors so that there was a sharp contrast with each test.The turning point of anaerobic threshold with progressive work intensity and the range, the slope of the following rise of blood lactic acid can illustrate the improvement of aerobic endurance and anaerobic training of swimmers. They can guide us to take aerobic and anaeribic intensity into consideration when we work out our training plan and arrange intensity.
作者 林正琦
出处 《中国体育教练员》 1996年第1期24-25,45,共3页 Chinese Sports Coaches
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