目的了解慢性荨麻疹(chronic urticaria,CU)临床流行病学特征。方法以2010年1月1日至9月30日,对临床确诊为CU的535例患者进行问卷调查。调查数据录入EpiData数据库,运用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行分析。结果共收到有效问卷535例,其中男性204例,女性331例,年龄(34.4±14.0)岁,初发年龄(30.6±14.8)岁,以20~40岁多见。诱发因素中物理因素94例(17.6%),药物23例(4.3%),食物29例(5.4%),精神因素39例(7.3%),工作压力9例(1.7%),蚊虫叮咬24例(4.5%),其他54例(10.0%),无明显诱因263例(49.2%)。临床分型中最常见是慢性自发性荨麻疹(chronic spontaneous urticaria,CSU)294例(55.0%),其次皮肤划痕症120例(22.4%),未发现延迟压力性、震动性和运动诱发性荨麻疹。CU伴血管性水肿105例(19.6%),其中,女性70例(21.1%),CSU 76例(25.9%)。自体血清皮肤试验(ASST)总阳性率为49.6%。结论 CU发病以青壮年为主,临床表现形式多样,伴发血管性水肿并非少见。关注CU的临床流行病学特征,有利于指导临床治疗。
Objective To investigate clinical epidemiological charateristics of chronic urticaria(CU).Methods A survey was conducted to clinically diagnosed CU patients in our hospitals from January to September 2010.All these subjects received physical examination by dermatologists and were required to fulfill the self-report questionnaires.EpiData and SPSS 13.0 were utilized for statistical analysis.Results Totally,there were 535 valid questionnaires returned in this survey.Of them,204 were male and 331 were female with a mean age of 34.4±14.0.The average age of these subjects at first onset was 30.6±14.8.The prevalence of CU peaked in patients aging from 20 to 40 years.The self-reported eliciting factors of urticaria were as follows: physical stimuli 94(approximately 17.6%),drugs 23(4.3%),foods 29(5.4%),mental factor 39(7.3%),working pressure 9(1.7%),mosquito 24(4.5%),and others 54(10.0%),whereas 263(49.2%) of the participants could not identify any trigger.The most common type was chronic spontaneous urticaria(CSU),accounting for 294(55.0%),followed by dermographic urticaria factitia 120(22.4%).While the rarest type was delayed pressure urticaria,vibratory urticaria and exercise induced urticaria type.Angioedema in CU accounted for 105(19.6%),70(21.1%) were female,and 76(25.9%) were CSU with it.Positive autologous serum skin test(ASST) was accounted for 49.6%.Conclusion The high prevalence of CU is in the young populations,with various clinical manifestations.Coexisting with angioedema is not uncommon.Investigating CU clinical epidemiological characteristics is helpful to guide the therapy strategies.
Journal of Third Military Medical University
chronic urticaria
clinical epidemiological feature