t reported 35 cases with the diagnosis of men-tal disorders caused by Qigong who were admittedin Shanghai Mental Health Center from January1988 to May 1995. Its chinical characteristics wereas follow: starting onset at middle - aged; mostwith introverted personal characteristics before ill ;the item scores of Hs. D and Hy in MMPI test in-creasedi with physical diseases espcially psychoso-matic diseases; with various symptoms , most relat-ed to Qigong ; short-term treatment was effective .the effectual rate was 9l.4%. 26 cases-some wererevised the diagnoses as six of schizophrenia, one ofmania and one of anxiety accepting the follow upin Oct, 1995 showed good prognosis. It also dis-cusses some relevant things.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health