Davidius triangulus Chao et Yang,sp.nov.Davidius fruhstor feri junior(Navas),Yang et Li,1992,Journal of Hanzhong Teachers College(Natural Science),1992(2):72,(?),(?).Shaanxi.(misidentification)COLORATION-Male:Head:Anterior aspeet and rear of head black except forbrown anteclypeus and transverse yellow stripe on frons,the latter stripe pointed on bothends.Prothorax:anterior lobc extensively orange,middle lobe with a large round yellowspot on each side,posterior lobe not marked.Synthorax:dorsal stripe narrow,ventrallyconfluent with collar stripe to form a pair of opposed and inverted 7-marks.Antehumeralstripe absent.Side of synthorax greatly yellow,with 2nd lateral stripe represented by a blackline from spiraele downwards,3rd stripe represented by a very narrow black line above.Ab-domen:extensively black,marked with yellow.Segment i yellow,dorsally with a pair oflarge transverse light brown marks.Segment ii dorsally with median stripe extending thewhole 1ength of the segment,laterally with two very large
Wuyi Science Journal