This article mainly deals with Defence System Affecting Factors (DSAF) of College Students, By using Defence System Question (DSQ) filling in symtom self-evaluating form and social situation investigation form as well, authors made a research on DSAF of college students among 4, 309 college students in ten universities and colleges in Kunming. The result shows. 1. Sex, experience of child hood, family environment, study aim, satisfactory degree to their major, living ways of their college life as well as the mental state of occupation choice, all obviouly affect DS of college students. 2. All kinds of normal college students more often use mature DS, while those students with mental problems Frequently use immature DS, which usually leads to more and more mental damages, and thus causes psythology and personality barriers, even sometimes arouses serious events. Therefore, in this article writers bring forth some suggestions on how to prevent ill DS setting in personality of college students and how to guide college students to study as well as to use mature DS.
Journal of Kunming University