

Observation of IgA against recombinant EBVThymidine kinase in sera of patients with na-sopharyngeal carcinoma
摘要 将含有EB病毒DNA中编码胸腺嘧啶激酶(TK)的基因片段重组到棒状病毒DNA上,再感染蛾卵细胞株SF-9,可获得大量纯度较高的重组TK(rTK)表达。以此为抗原作碱性磷酸酶ELISA检测血清中抗TK的IgA抗体(TK/IgA)。对70例鼻咽癌患者250例非鼻咽癌供血者(包括196例正常人、49例慢性鼻咽炎和5例其它鼻咽疾病)作了IgA/TK检测,并与IgA/VCA检测结果作对比,证实鼻咽癌患者血清IgA/TK平均相对吸光度值(0.6376±0.2026)明显高于非鼻咽癌病人(0.3943±0.1646)或慢性鼻咽炎病人(0.3730±0.1543),其差别具统计学意义(P<0.0001)。同时检测IgA/TK和IgA/VCA的鼻咽癌血清样品54例,两法结果没有相关性(R=0.1504,P=0.2775。在鼻咽癌组中,两法没有统计学上的差异,而在非鼻咽癌组(包括一部分正常人)和慢性鼻咽炎线,则IgA/TK的ELISA检测有较高的似然比,提示在鼻咽癌普查工作中,IgA/TK检测对IgA/VCA阳性对象似乎较能排除鼻咽癌患病的可能性,从而缩小划分高危人群的范围,无疑能大大减少普查工作量,且ELISA检测方法简便,? pstein一Barr virus(EBV)is associated closly with nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC)which is a common malignenttumor with a high incidence in Southern China. IgA/VCA assay is a common method for screening a high risk popula-tion of NPC. Thymidine kinase(TK)is well known as a member of four replication-related enzymeactivties in cells in-fected by EBV. Purified antigen(rTK )was obtained from SF-9 cell line which was infected by Baculovirus recombinat-ed with EBV DNA fragment coding Thymidine kinase and then ground by supersonic. After covering plastic culture96 wells plate with rTK antigen at 4C overnight the sera diluted l :20 was added before adding antibody Labelledwith Alkaline phosphatasc(AP) against human IgA. Relative optical density was read by the reader after staining,us-ing anti-IgA-AP diluted 1:4000 and substratc reaction as a standard control(OD=1).Results of the ELISA showedthat absorbtion for rTK in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma(0.6336±0.1758)was obviously higher than thatin normal and chronic nasopharyngitis donors(0.3673± 0.1561,0.3730±0.1543,4espectively,P<0.000l ),whichsuggested that rTK ELISA be useful for diagnosis of NPC. Meanwhile IgA/VCA as done and compared with rTKELISA. In NPC group there were not significant differences between positive ratc of IgA/VCA andrTK ELISA, butin non-NPC and normal group that of IgA/VCA was higher than that of rTK ELISA. For the conclusion.the authorssupposed that the results is related to NPC. but we need more practice to improve the method.
出处 《中华肿瘤防治杂志》 CAS 1995年第2期102-104,共3页 Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
关键词 EB病毒 胸腺嘧啶激酶 IGA 鼻咽肿瘤 Epstein-Barr virus. Thymidine kinase. IgA,Nasopharygeal neoplasm
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