In this article,we compared 21 patients with bronchiectasis treated with Socoseryl via fibrosic bronchoscope vs 21 those treated with antibiotics in our institute from April 1991 to October 1993. The patients in Sacoseryl group received Socoseryl 5ml /per time plus Amikacin 0. 4/pre time (or Tobramycin 160,000 unit/per time), twice a week (average 4. 25 weeks), whereas those in control group only treated with Amikacin 0. 4/per time (or Tobramycin 160,000 unit/per time),twice a week (average 4. 25 weeks ). The observatory period lasted from six months to three years. Results: (1)The rate of symptom improvement in Socoseryl group was 61.8%, higher than those in control group (16. 5% ),p<0.01; (2)Therate of improvement of br0ncheal inflammation in Socoseryl grotlp was 95. 4%,higher than those in control group (18. 7% ), P<0. 01; (3) The overall effective rate of Socoseryl group was 100%, higher than those in control group (49. 4), P<0.01. These results indicated that Socoseryl could be used to cure patients with mild or moderate bronchiectasis.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College