In this present study, the ruodel of the rabbit with acute myocardial ischemia(AMI) was used to explore mechanisms of interrelation hetween Neiguan acupoint (PC 6) of the Peri-cardium Meridian and the heart hy employing physiological and morphologicaI methods. It wasdemonstrated that electroacupuncture (EA) at Neiguan (PC 6 ) couId raise the eIectrical excitahility ofischemic myocardium, lessen the dispersity of recovery excitability, correct the disorder of electricalactivity; protect myocardiac glycogen and phosphorylase and alleviate their depletion, increase contentof ribonuclei acid (RNA ), etc., indicating that EA could help oxidative rnetaholism carry out normal-Iy and irnProve nutritional state of the ischemic myocardiurn. The key point of EA action is probablyregulates the coronary microclrculation of heart and reclistributes myocardial blood flow. Studies withalkaline phosphatase (ALP ), Mg<sub>2-</sub>-ATPase and ABS casting of the Ieft coronary artery showed thatafter EA the number and the Iength
In this present study , the model of the rabbit with acute myocardial ischemia (AMI) was used to explore mechanisms of interrelation between Neiguan acupoint (PC 6) of the Pericardium Meridian and the heart by employing physiological and morphological methods. It was demonstrated that electroacupuncture (EA) at Neiguan (PC 6) could raise the electrical excitability of ischemic myocardium, lessen the dispersity of recovery excitability, correct the disorder of electrical activity; protect myocardiac glycogen and phosphorylase and alleviate their depletion, increase content of ribonuclei acid (RNA), etc. , indicating that EA could help oxidative metabolism carry out normally and improve nutritional state of the ischemic myocardium. The key point of EA action is probably regulates the coronary microcirculation of heart and redistributes myocardial blood flow. Studies with alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Mg+-ATPase and ABS casting of the left coronary artery showed that after EA the number and the length of the micro-vessels increased apparently, suggesting that EA could relieve spasm of arterioles and improve myocardial circulation. Amygdaloid nuclei (AMYG) and dorsal horns(DH) of the thoracic segment of the spinal cord (T2-3) are involved in the regulatory action of EA on AMI. Hence they are important component parts of the central links in the interrelation between Neiguan (PC 6) and the heart. These results provide new data for elucidating relationship between Neiguan (PC 6) of the Pericardium Meridian and the heart, furnishing new evidence to the principles for dilating blood vessels and relieving vascular spasm in treatment of coronary heart disease, and substantiate the authors'original ideas.
This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.