
Microstructure and Sliding Wear Property of Laser Clad TiN-Reinforced Composite Coating

Microstructure and Sliding Wear Property of Laser Clad TiN-Reinforced Composite Coating
摘要 The microstructure and sliding wear property of laser clad TiN-composite coating on steel 1045 were analyzed by SEM, EPMA, XRD, EDAX techniques and a pin-on-ring dry sliding wear testing machine. An excellent fusion bonding with low dilution and absence of cracks was obtained under the laser cladding conditions of specific energy and power density in the range 5 to 20kJ/cm ̄2 and 3.5 to 5kW/cm ̄2 respectively. The clad layers have been characterized by metallurgical examination. The bonding zone about 6μm thick is analyzed to be γ-Ni solid solution growing from the bottom of molten pool in the form of planar crystal morphology. γ-Ni, TiN particles and fine eutectic of γ-Ni+(Fe, Cr)_(23)C_6, in the interdendritic regions are observed. A large number of TiN particles in irregular shapes are remained afer laser cladding. Partial dissolution appearing on the edges of original TiN particulates and their growth during resolidification are found in the clad region. The TiN-reinforced composite coating produced by laser cladding possesses a good wear resistance n this study. An adhesive wear with a regular scale-like feature on the worn surface was observed. MicrostructureandSlidingWearPropertyofLaserCladTiN-ReinforcedCompositeCoating¥(雷廷权)(欧阳家虎)(裴宇韬)T.C.LeiJ.H.OuyangY.T.Pei(Dept.o...
出处 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 1995年第1期90-96,共7页 哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版)
关键词 ss: LASER cladding TiNp/Ni-alloy COATING MICROSTRUCTURE WEAR PROPERTY ss: Laser cladding, TiNp/Ni-alloy coating, microstructure, wear property
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