近年来,全世界都在关切航运中时有发生的溢油事故和船舶排放所造成的海洋生态破坏。美国油污法和正在制订的IMO新的有关船舶大气污染的规定,都将使造船和航运业带来环境保护的新挑战。 本文对当今开发研究的新型船舶防污染技术,如降低船舶柴油机废气中SO_x、NO_x、CO_2等排放以及其它方面都做了详细叙述。
In recent years, poeple throughout the world show concern over the deterioration of marine ecology due to oil spills in shipping and exhaust gas from the ships. The US 'OPA 90'and the new regulations for marine engine emission worked out by IMO will bring forth the challage to the shipbuilding and shipping enterprises for environmental protection. Recent and ongoing research and development of marine anti-air pollution techniques for new ships is presented in this paper, such as reduction of emissions of SOx,NOx,CO2 etc from marine diesl exhaust.
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering