

摘要 我尽我所知利用这一机会向各位谈一谈经典芭蕾。最近我在东、西欧,澳大利亚及美国看到许多生动的芭蕾舞表演,它们给我留下了深刻的印象。 令人非常满意的是,我发现芭蕾作为一种艺术形式得到了不断的发展。芭蕾的技巧有了很大的进步,Russe芭蕾舞演员所具有的技巧已经大大超过了20、30年代的水准。动作更加自由,更有流动感,并且可以很容易地运用这种技巧创造时代的气息。芭蕾艺术作为一个整体也已变得越来越复杂。 Berta Yampolsky was born in Paris to Russian parents, and cameto Israel with her family as a young child. She began dancing in Haifa at the age of 14, and at 18 she went with her husband Hillel Markman to London for further studies at The Royal Ballet School and with Kathleen Crofton, Goncharov, lgorova and Tamarova.Berta Yampolsky and Hillel Markman performad as soloists with various European companies: Belgium. France, and Switzerland. With the Swiss company, as lead soloists, she represented Switzerland in the Athens Artistic Festival. They toured America with the French Fokine Company and with the Ballet-Russe de Monte Carlo,Ms. Yampolsky's dream was to return to Israel and perform in front of the Israeli Public and in 1967 she returned to Israel and . with her husband, founded The Israel Ballet in 1968.In 1985 Berta Yampolsky choreographed her first full length ballet for her company, 'The Nutcracker', and after its success this was followed by 'Cinderella'. 'The Sleeping Beauty', (which was performed with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra) and 'Romeo and Juliet .In 1981 during the tour of the Israel Ballet in U.S.A. and South America, Ms. Yampolsky won the critics award for choreography in Santiago, Chile, for her work 'Dvorak Variations'.In addition Ms. Yampolsky has choreographed for the company modern works, such as 'Dancin', a ballet in the classical style to the music of Leonard Cohens Sacha Argov and Matti Caspi 'Harmonium' 'Mephisto Waltz' 'Two by Two and Everyone'. Her latest work is 'Gurrelieder' to music by the same text by Arnold Schoenberg.Berta Yampolsky is a member of the Dance Commitee of the Ministry of Education.
出处 《上海艺术家》 1995年第6期27-29,共3页 Shanghai Artist
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