The ophiolite belts in the world are assembled into four ophiolite systems and one megabelt:Hun, Pan-Mediterranean, Circum-pacific and palaeo-Gondwana system and the Caledonean. Most of podiform setting of generating podiform chromite deposit is the subduction zone of plates of of compressional as well astensional plate movement The refractory mantle diapirs with partial re-melting took place when the pressure reducedalong the tension faults in subduction zone and in produced chrome-riched melt in the process of thedlaplr ascending into lower crust.The ultrabaslc-basic melt could b substantially rich in chrome during thepulses of compression to the mantle in subduction zone.Then,the re-melted mantele diaplr produced a pair ofmelts: chromite ore melt and picritic melt, by immiscible liquation. Hence,it formed the Podiform chromite orebodies characterized with tubercule texture in ophiolitic ultramafic tectonite massifs.There are a lot of ophiolite belts in China. However, few of them display any complete ophiolite section.The Al-riched type podiform chromite ore bodies always accompany troctolite veins in ultramafic tectonics inXinjiang and inner Mongolia areas. The chromite ore viens of Al-riched type occur in the layering ultramaficcumulate formation of the Hongguleleng ophiolite belt in Xinjiang, also. Thus,it is suggested that there are somesorts of interim chromite ore between podiform chromite ore and the chromite ore of layering chromite deposit.The chromite ore babies of cumulate type occur in the Xinjie trap intrusion in Sichuan Province as well as in theXiaosongshan intrusion of trap suite in Ningxia Autonomous Region. And there are three tectonic belts with anophiolite belt accompanied closely with Cu-Ni sulfide ore-bearing cumulate intrusions of trap suite in NorthernXinjiang. Thus, it may be sorts of interim rock formation in between ophiolite and trap.
Acta Petrologica Sinica
Chromite deposit, Opiolite system, Ore dePOsit type, Ore deposit genesis,China